Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I felt the lectures and experiences we had yesterday really impacted me. First, Dr. Ching gave an awesome lecture about the origins of poverty. Afterwards, we went to Greenville to see first-hand the effects of poverty on a community. At United Ministries, we learned about their organization and took a "Poverty Quiz." We were all embarrassed at how much we *didn't* know. For the record, I only got 10 out of 20 right. :p
Then my group toured 2 missions. It takes so much effort and dedication to run a mission. I don't know if I could do it.
After lunch, we helped repaint and clean the grounds around an old school which is now being used for a program for special needs and low-income kids. It was GREAT, even though I will never figure out an efficient way to paint a vent (????)
As one might chant, "Good job, good job; good job, good job; G -double O -J-J -O-B; good job, good job." hahaha :)
The Furman scavenger hunt basically killed me. Furman's campus seems much larger once you have to run from the Public Safety Station to the football field...or if you're trying to catch the FuPo!!!!


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