Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My name is Luis.

WOOOOOO! EPL!Through the journey of my life I have met great people (every day I met someone new). I believe that every one that I have met has impacted the way I’ve become, who I am, and who I’ll continue to be.This week I have met 21 extraordinary people who will one day change their communities (soon) and eventually change the lives of many people possibly even the world. The reason for this is because we have vision. We know the potential that is stored within our hearts, the passion to do what is right and the determination to get that vision across.I believe in signs, I think that when 22 great leaders some quite, some outspoken, some leading in the front, some leading by example come together…… Everyone needs to watch out, cause were coming! And when we get to our goal completed… You will be truly amazed, because that’s not where it’s going to end.

Gandhi “Be the change you wish to see in the world”


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