Sunday, July 29, 2007

Hey guys!

Hey everyone,

I've finally had time to settle down at home and unpack a little, and while doing so I realized what a great week that we all have had. I can't speak for everyone, but I bet most of us (definitely myself) have never been to a camp where the students, staff, and counselors came together in such a short amount of time. EPL was such a unique experience, and I am being completely honest when I say that it wouldn't have been anything near what it was if it weren't for every single counselor, staff member, and fellow EPL-er. Each of were so individual but yet we were all able to gel so quickly and that was only one of many many great things that happened this past week. From going downtown to interrogating Mark Sanford's Chief of Staff to the Drive Game where we saw Senator McCain (and a few almost home runs-Whit, I'm sorry but Greenville is more ballin' than Charleston), EPL was a fantastic experience. I'm excited about seeing y'all in March, and I know that whether it's getting into your top school, having a great service project, or making some more dance videos, I have no doubt that everyone of us will succeed this year and into the future when we are fully-emerged public leaders! Keep in touch, and anytime y'all are near Greenville let me know!


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