Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Top Ten Things We've Learned (so far) at Furman

10) Souljah Boy
9) Unless you're Meredith, you look stupid when you dance. No one cares.
8) Don't dance without music. Ever. (Boo Luis!)
7) Sleep is not a necessity.
6) If Zheng Hu hadn't gotten beat, we'd all be Chinese.
5) Except for maybe Indiana Jones, Erik Ching is the hottest professor ever.
4) Your opinion of Harry Potter matters way more than your political affiliation
3) Don't chase the FuPo. They don't stop. Ever. (Yay Luis!)
2) Shun cheats at everything
1) If we're America's future leaders, our nation is in pretty crunk hands

-Ms. G

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